Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the dead lift to WOD weight.

Skill: Hand stand walking.

Wild Side
10 rounds for time
6 Dead lifts(225,150)
9 Calorie row
10m hand stand walk

Option 2:
10 rounds for time
3 Box HSPU
6 Dead lifts(155,105)
9 Calorie row
3 wall walks
*Reduce the wall walks to 2 or 1 if needed.  Choose a number that will challege you.

Option 3:
10 rounds for time
3 DB strict press(50,35)
6 Dead lifts (135,95)
9 Calorie row
10m Bear crawl
*Scale strict press & dead lift load as needed.  Pick loads that will challenge you but still allow you to keep good form.

Post WOD:
Banded hamstring stretch. 2 minutes per side.