Coach’s choice
Pre WOD prep:
Prep the movements
Cold Brew or perform a WOD you missed this week.
For Time
Twenty 10m shuttle sprints (10m up is 1/10m back is 2)
4 rounds for time
12 Power Snatches (95,65)
20 Burpees
6 Dumbell push jerks with right arm (50,35)
6 Dumbell push jerks with left arm (50,35)
Then Cash-Out:
Twenty 10m shuttle sprints (10m up is 1/10m back is 2)
At home WOD:
5 Rounds for time
60 Double Unders / 90 Single Unders ( no rope perform 60 jumping jacks.
40 Step-back Lunges
20 Burpees
Post WOD:
10 minutes of mobility you choose.
CFS Brief:
If you are sick with a cough, sneezing, fever or Flu-like symptoms please do not come to the gym for 14 days or until you are better. We will happily pause your membership.
If you’ve used it or touched it please wipe it down thoroughly with our disinfecting wipes.
Please wash your hands thoroughly before and after WODING!
*Save the date and get ready for Marathon Monday Barbecue Event, April 20th, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Put together your team of 3 to 5 people.
Option 1: Team of 3
Option 2 Team of 4
Option 3 Team of 5
Complete 26.2 miles in 4 events. Barbecue to follow the event.
Row 6.55 miles or 10,542 meters
Ski 6.55 miles or 10,542 meters
Bike 7 miles
Run 6.4 miles or 10,400mmeters = (26) 400m runs
The row, ski, bike and run must be done in order. You must complete one before moving on to the next.
*More details to follow in the upcoming weeks for the Marathon Monday Barbecue Event.
40 Minute Run
Then, “Midline”
3 Super Sets for Quality, 2:00 Rest between sets:
50’ Overhead Walking Lunge 30# DB (Left)
50’ Overhead Walking Lunge 30# DB (Right)
30 Weighted Sit Ups (30#)
10 Romanian DL (70#)
Tabata Handstands
Alternating Tabata Hollow Hold/Superman
Modified cold brew. Made it a family team event in the yard. Passthe baton sprints. Snatches Then made a jumping station over med balls n box jump at the end. Made a rope swing station over the imaginary alligator pit. Rope and a box with plates for sled pull. One person pulls while rest do burpees. Then DB push jerks. Beautiful day outside. I did #75 snatches, 35# DB.
Cold brew. #75 snatches. #35DB press. 23:33. Guess the family WOD was a warm up. Last two rds of snatches went 8+4.
Way to get after it. Midline looks wicked!