Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Prep the movements
The Big Bang Theory
For time
800 m run
21 Hang power cleans(135,95)
400 m Med-ball run (20,14)
30 Wall balls(20,14)
100 Ab-mat sit-ups
100/70 calorie row
Option 2:
800 m run
21 Hang power cleans (115,75)
400 m Med-ball run (20,14)
30 Wall balls (20,14)(10’9′)
100 Ab-mat sit-ups
100/70 calorie row
Option 3:
800 m run
21 Hang power cleans (75,50)
400 m Med ball run (14,10)(9′ target)
30 Wall balls(14,10)
50 Ab-mat sit-ups
70/50 calorie row
CFS Brief:
*Free class Friday October 5th. If you have a friend that is interested in trying CrossFit all classes are free that day..
*30 Day Fall Partner Nutrition Challenge
Day 11
*In-house Throwdown Saturday, 11/3/18
Registration opens at 7:30am. Athlete’s meeting at 8:00am. First heat goes off at 8:30am.
Teams of 2 either male/male or female/female with RX and Scaled Divisions
Cost per athlete is $29 (includes t-shirt for men and tank top for women – please specify shirt size when registering)
Athletes will register and list their division, RX or Scaled. (Please see the criteria below.) The coaching staff will then pair up the teams accordingly.
Click here to register for this event
Click here to volunteer for this event
*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Sky Box in Natick.
Big Bang Theory. 25:50. 100 cal bike in lieu of 800M run. #75 HPC. #20lb WB. 100Cal row.
Big Bang Theory: 22:58 | 75# HPC | 14# WB to 9′ Target
I do love a good chipper. I also love wall balls…I’m trying to keep telling myself that 🙂 A nice mix of movements and intensities kept you constantly adjusting – thanks for the fun Frozen!! A shout out to both Shobnha and Carlos for hanging on and finishing strong on the rower!
17:21 rx.
3 rep heavy – 175#
That row was a mental battle after 50 cals
You know what was a mental battle? Seeing you on sit ups when I came in from my med ball carry and knowing I had 30 wall balls to do before I got to sit ups. THAT was a mental battle. Great job pushing through that workout!!
How does the row work Deb? How many times does it get interrupted for the ab-mats?
Oops. Never mind. Johnny CrossFit changed the WOD from what I read last night.
Yes, he did. That said, doing 100 sit ups and then getting on the rower was a challenge in and of itself.
Hot damn, Ryan!
20:27 Rx.
20:40 rx