Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Turkish Thruster build to a heavy triple.
“Damage Done”
Five rounds AMRAP 3
3 Kettle bell Goblet Thrusters (70,53)
5 Push-ups hand release
9 Box jumps (24,20)
*1 minute rest between rounds
Option 2:
Five rounds AMRAP 3
3 Kettle bell Goblet Thrusters (53,35)
5 Push-ups hand release
9 Box jumps(24,20)
*1 minute rest between rounds
Option 3:
Five rounds AMRAP 3
3 Kettle bell Goblet Thrusters (35,26)
5 Push-ups hand release
9 Box jumps(20,12)
*1 minute rest between rounds
Endurance & Stamina
5 K run for time
CFS Brief:
Our In House Throwdown is this Saturday November 3rd. We will be running 1 adult class @ 6:30 am. *All adult and Kids/Teens for the rest of the morning will be cancelled.
Thank you.
*In-house Throwdown Saturday, 11/3/18
Check in starts at 7:30am. Athlete’s meeting at 8:00am. First heat goes off at 8:30am.
Teams of 2 have been chosen!
*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Skybox 109 in Natick.
Damage Done: 251 Total Reps (35#KB) 56 | 50 | 50 | 49 | 46. Took today as more of an “Active Recovery” and opted for the lighter KB. A good workout that gives you just enough ‘rest’ for you to start up again, but at the same time it is a burner 🙂
Turkish KB Thruster: 35#
Damage Done: 312 (22.4# KB, step-ups) 63|63|64|63|59. 1 minute of rest goes by quickly! Still terrified of box jumps, but went higher on the step-ups @20″ which was a good cardio burn.
Deb — Is that is a WOD that you leave with bruises on the back of your wrists from the kettle bells banging on them during the thrusters? I have to admit it’s not my favorite move, but not for the reasons that I dislike some of the other moves.
Ken, your biggest risk on the KB thruster is hitting yourself on the top of the head bringing it back down 🙂 You will hold one KB in a goblet squat position (two hands on the horns either face up or cradling the bell in your hands) and perform the thruster that way. I will however say that during the Turkish Thruster WOD prep that yes, the bell will hit the back of your wrist. The same advice here…do NOT drop the bell on your head…or on your friend’s head.
Good, so at least it’s not the move where you smash the back of your hand. But now I may bring out the safety helmet though tonight. 🙂