All in a day’s work!
Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Push jerk build to a heavy 3 from the floor.
“Kill Cliff GG QUALIFIER 15.3”
50 Calorie row
50 Wall Ball Shots (20,14)
50 Shoulder to Overhead (115,80)
50 Box Jumps (24,20)
Option 2:
50 Calorie row
50 Wall Ball Shots (20,14) 9ft target for ladies
50 Shoulder to Overhead (95,65)
50 Box Jumps (24,20)
Option 3:
30 Calorie row
30 Wall Ball Shots (14,10) 9ft target
30 Shoulder to Overhead (75,50)
30 Box Jumps (20,12)
Endurance & Stamina
4k row every 3 minute perform 1 Bear complex (95,65)
CFS Brief:
*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Skybokx 109 in Natick.
Today was a good day to try some movements I’ve not been able to do lately…still scaling / modifying. Decided it was better to just go through one round and not push my knee too fast.
1 round for time 13:31
50 cal row (felt better than expected)
50 wallballs (10# to 10’ all Rx)
50 strict”ish” press (75#)
50 box step ups (14”)
Kill Cliff GG Qualifier 15.3: 1+12 | 8# wallball to 9′ target, 35# push press, 50 box jumps on ~10″ stacked plates
Huge 5:30am class today – I was planning to do step-ups but gave up my box so I stacked some plates and did plate jumps. Good to push myself mentally as box jumps still freak me out after my nasty face plant back in March. Happy to get through one round as wallballs are not really my friend.
3 Heavy Push Jerk: 90#
Kill Cliff GG Qualifier 15.3: 144* Reps 14#WB to 8′ Target | 75# STOH | *Additionally completed 50 Box Jumps after the workout (not included in the 144 Reps) Inadvertently, I left the bar with 75# instead of switching out the plates to #70, but it was a good opportunity to practice and push along with the increased load. The row went well and then came the wall balls. Again, going with the heavier load to the lower target with the goal of increasing the target. In the end, I will win over that ball 🙂 Thanks JD for counting me through the STOH and to Becka, JD, and Ilana for keeping me occupied while I did the box jumps. As always, Hanna kept us in line and got us through the workout!