Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
Shuffle the deck

Deck of Cards
Alternate movements each card.
1. Russian Kettlebell swings (Feel comfortable swinging 10 reps)
2. Med-ball partner pass x 2
3. Mountain climbers x 2
4. Double unders x 4 or single unders x 8.
Face cards = 10 reps
Jokers = 200 m run on turf
Suicide King 100 team calorie bike (Teams of 3 or 4)
Aces = 11
one eyed Jacks 10 Burpees
Random arrangement.
This is designed to be a FUN WOD. 
Don’t stress!!

Post WOD:
Foam roll for 5 minutes

CFS Brief:
The 2019 CrossFit Open are here. We’ll do the Open workouts every Friday in classes and as an option on Mondays.  

*CFS members are invited to receive 50% off anything at the Reebok Flagship store at their headquarters in Boston from 2/5/19 – 3/31/19.
You must show proof of membership to get in.  You can simply log into Zen Planner and show them your latest membership fee on your phone.