5 calorie row
5 Wallballs
5 Hand release push-ups
5 knees to 90
5 Barbell deadlifts
5 Barbell Push presses
5 Burpees
10 banded pull a parts
10 banded good mornings
2 Glute band boxes
WOD prep:
Prep the Dead lift to wod weight 50 to 60% of 1 rep max
Prep Shoulder to overhead 50 to 60% of 1 rep max
Seven Samurai (35 minute cap)
Option 1:
7 Rounds for time:
7 Burpees over the bar
7 Shoulder to overhead (135,95)
7 Toes to bar
7 Wallballs 30,20(10’/9′)
7 Calorie row
7 Hand release push-ups
7 Dead lifts (245,165)
*Athletes should scale loads and movements to be able to go unbroken in this workout.
*1 bar per athlete. You will need to change you load on the shoulder to overhead & deadlifts.
Option 2:
7 Rounds for time:
7 Burpees over the bar
7 Shoulder to overhead (95,65)
7 Toes to bar
7 Wallballs (20,14)(10’/9′)
7 Calorie row
7 Hand release push-ups
7 Dead lifts (185,125)
Option 3:
5 Rounds for time:
7 Burpees over the bar
7 Shoulder to overhead (75,50)
7 Knees to 90
7 Wallballs 14,10(9′)
7 Calorie row
7 Hand release push-ups
7 Dead lifts (95,65)
Post WOD:
Agile 8
CFS Brief:
Easter Sunday the Box will be closed.
Come join the the CrossFit Synergistics Spartan Team!Boston Sprint – Saturday, May 11th 2019
Charlton, MA
2:00pm start time.
Kids 14 to 17 may participate with an adult.
Below is a link for a Spartan 60% off Groupon as well as the link to sign up for the Spartan race!
(We don’t know how long the Groupon will be active for so act quick!)
Register under the CrossFit Synergistics team for the 2:00 pm start time.
This WOD looks awful, but DT is a walking advertisement for CrossFit …. even for a NY Jets fan.
34:14 115/30/245
That was crazy sneaky! I thought about a nap on the hrpu’s More than once!
Seven Samurai: 29:16 Option 2, knees to 90. Took it easy after watching the 5:30 have so much fun 🙂
Seven Samurai (or as MJ appropriately re-named it afterward, “Seven Advil”): 34:20 | Option 2 Super sneaky WOD! On round 3 I was certain I must have miscounted somewhere and should have been further along. Alas, I was not and realized quickly that this workout required a whole lot of mental and physical perseverance. But it was fun! I kept all of the barbell movements unbroken. The only thing that “broke” for me was the wall ball and that I only did that to ensure I was hitting the target. My personal favorite parts of the workout were the TTB and HRPU. If you have ever forgotten about your shoulders and lats, then this workout will “gently” remind you of their existence. Nowhere to hide. Thanks Frozen, this one is a classic!
Seven Samurai: 32:12 | 55# STOH, 62# KB DL’s, K290, 10# WB
As previously mentioned this was a sneaky one. Around round 3 it seemed like it was never going to end. The STOHs were a challenge for me so I split them into 2 sets as the rounds went along and wallballs are, well, wallballs but I kept plugging along.
Ha. So I just noticed that the STOH for option 2 was supposed to be 65…I did 75 – yay for my 5:30am math/ability to read and comprehend!!
513 United Crossfit
Cincinnati, OH
For time:
2000M row
100 double unders
2 mile run
Deb I did 75 too thinking it was Option 2! 🙂
Silly girls🤣
Seven samurai’s
Mojo meter was off today.