Billy T. applying his fitness!
Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Max unbroken strict pull-ups as soon as you come off the rig go into max time hand stand hold or plank hold.
Running on Empty
4 rounds for time
30 double unders or 90 speed steps
30/21 Calorie bike
300m run
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Post WOD
Kettle bell calf smash 2 minutes per side.
What? No caption contest for Billy T? It almost rivals Johnny CrossFit in the sludge at the Dunking Wall.
Strict Pull-ups = 10
Handstand Hold 1:07
WOD: 20:05 Rx
Strict Pull Up: 8
Handstand Hold: 2 minutes
Running on Empty: 23:05 | 90 Speed Steps
Reminded me of the good ‘ole days of triathlon training with the bike to run transition. Thank goodness we don’t have a pool nearby.
Strict pull-ups: 6
Handstand hold: 1:18
WOD: Slow! I felt like I had cement in my shoes today! 23:56ish (90 speed steps)
Pull-ups 18
Hold :50 ..shoulders are fried this week
Wod: 16:42 rx