
Coach’s choice

WOD Prep:
Front squat-build to wod weight.

Pass the Gravy

5 Rounds for time:
12 Front squats(155,105)
30 Double Unders
12 Hand stand push-ups

Option 2:
5 Rounds for time:
12 Front squats(75,50)
30 Double Unders
12 DB Strict press(35,25)

Option 3:
5 Rounds for time:
12 Front squats(65,45)
60 single unders
12 DB Strict press(30,20)

Post WOD
Med ball thoracic roll out.

CFS Brief:
Save the dates:

Thanksgiving Day, 11/23 we will offer the following schedule:
8:00am – BootCamp (this will be combined with the CrossFit Adult class)
8:00am – Adult CrossFit (childcare will be avaialble for this class)
9:30am – Adult CrossFit

Friday, 11/24 we will offer the following schedule:
7:30am BootCamp
9:00am  – 1:00pm Wodsgiving Open Box
This open box will be structured with 4 WODs.  Athletes can come for the whole time and do as many WODs as they want!  Below are approximate start times.  This could change due to number of athletes and possible multiple heats.  Athletes will warm up on their own. Please arrive early and warm-up properly.  Please sign in upon arrival.  

WOD One 9:15am

WOD Two 10:00am

WOD Three 11:00am

WOD  Four 12:00pm

CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 16th at the SKY BOX 109 in Natick! 6:30pm to Midnight! 319 Speen St.

Fight For Air Climb CFS team fundraiser in Boston set for Saturday, February 3rd at One Boston Place. Details coming soon!