Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Prep the movements
WOD (35 minute cap)
1k row then
6 rounds for time
15 Burpees
20 Ab-mat sit-ups
25 Double unders
30 walking lunges
Then 1k row
Option 2:
1k row then
6 rounds for time
15 Burpees
20 Ab-mat sit-ups
50 single unders
30 walking lunges
Then 1k row
Option 3:
1k row then
4 rounds for time
15 Burpees
20 Ab-mat sit-ups
25 single unders
30 walking lunges
Then 1k row
Post WOD
Foam roll for 5 Minutes
Endurance & Stamina
CFS Brief:
*New Years Eve Party @ CFS 8 pm to Midnight.
Pizza and snacks provided.
If you have a Teenager 13+ in the CrossFit program you may bring them along with you to WOD and play games.
WOD @ 8:30 pm
Games from 8 pm – Midnight:
Ping pong, Badminton, Can-Jam, Spike Ball, Basket ball and Bocce Ball.
Watch the ball drop at Midnight and celebrate the New Year.
SOS. 91 cals at 35. Did fifty singles. Finished @ 38:42. 3 of my favorite things. Burpees, jump rope and lunges. Got hung up on singles 4 of 6 rounds got through 5-8 at a time.
I’ve had days like that – where the singles just did t come together. Great job finishing!
SOS: 6+737M
Today the lunges got me and the gas tank was a bit low so I had to break up the abmats too. But I always try and look for the silver lining. Today I did burpees as it was the first time in 2 weeks by back was feeling better. AND if you didn’t hear me squealing like a school girl – I got my first dub. I didn’t ever think it was going to happen.
SOS: 29:02 | 50 Singles
Fantastic workout – even with 2K of rowing! Keep moving through the “meat” of the workout as best you can. When you get back on the rower, just hold on! Big group at 5:30 this morning, so there was a lot of energy in the box, though we could have used traffic cops during the walking lunges 🙂 Thanks Frozen!!
Yay Tracey!!! Very excited for your first double under! Nothing wrong with squealing! One day I hope to squeal for double unders as well…
Nice job getting through the workout John!!
Thanks Deb and Tracey. You know me. Did not make the time cap, but I will always finish once I start. You two have gotten me through many of the workouts that are not in my sweet spot and grueling on me.
25:57 rx
Thanks Deb, I was so excited. I know you’re going to get it and once you do, lookout! You’ll be the fastest double under-er we’ve ever seen!
I didn’t make the time cap either – and we were not along. There were things in this WOD that weren’t in my sweet spot (walking lunges!!) but we just keep working at it and one day they will be. 🙂
This looks like a good one Deb. Unfortunately I have a work obligation so I can’t bang out the ninety burpees tonight, but it looks like a great workout for the rest of the 7:30 crew.
Ken, could you suggest that you do 90 burpees as part of your “work obligation”? I say kick off the meeting with 45 burpees for time and then do a nice cool down with the remaining 45.
The “work obligation” is actually a police union holiday party, and I don’t think anyone would be too keen on doing burpees there. But thanks for the suggestion anyway. Hopefully John puts some wall balls into the Wednesday WOD so I can make up for missing the burpees and lunges.
SOS: 29:26 RX
SOS: capped 5 rds, 500m row (10 cal bike for DUs)
30:35 RX
I picked the wrong workout to come back from my month long Black Plague hiatus.
Nice to have you back!
Felt great to move!