Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
EMOM 2 for 6 sets.
1 clean & jerk build to heavy single.

“Sweet Child of Mine”
Option 1 Opens:
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible.
200 m run
10 power cleans (135,95)
10 Burpees over the barbell
*Stop when you are no longer able to complete the 10 power cleans and 10 burpees.

Option 2 Performance:
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible.
200 m run
10 power cleans (115,80)
10 Burpees over the barbell
*Stop when you are no longer able to complete the 10 power cleans and 10 burpees.

Option 3 Functional:
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible.
100 m run
8 Hang power cleans (95,65)
8 Burpees over the barbell
*Stop when you are no longer able to complete the 8 power cleans and 8 burpees.

Post WOD:
Barbell calf smash.

CFS Brief:
CrossFit Opens start in 18 days!