200m run
250m row
10 air squats
10 Hand release push-ups
10 Cossack squats

WOD prep:
Double Kettlebell Clean Practice.  Build to WOD weight.

Ramen Noodles
400 Meter Run
5 KB or DB Dual Hang Power Cleans (53,35)
10 KB or DB Alternating Push Presses (same)
8 KB or DB Push Jerks (same)
30-m Dual Kettlebell Overhead Walk (15m up and 15m back)
500 Meter Row
15 Hand release push-ups

*Choose a load where you can go unbroken in the complex. 

Post WOD:
Agile 8

CFS Brief:
4th of July schedule: 1 class at 8:00 am