Coach’s choice
WOD prep:
Prep the movements.
Muscle up transition practice.
Biking team Nate Teams of 2. Athletes complete full rounds then switch.
2 Ring muscle-ups
8 Kettlebell swings(70,53)
10/7 calorie bike
Option 2:
2 Ring muscle-up transitions
4 Box HSPU
8 Kettlebell swings (53,35)
10/7 calorie bike
Option 3:
4 jump to ring support or bar support
4 Dumbbell push press
8 Kettlebell swings (35,26)
10/7 calorie bike
Post WOD:
Agile 8
CFS Brief:
Click here to register for The Whole Life Challenge! (After registration make sure to join the CrossFit Synergistics Team from your profile so we can all interact online.)
– Early Registration $39 June 4 through June 26
– Regular Registration $49 Jun 27 through July 7
– Last Minute Registration $59 July 8 through July 23
4th of July schedule: 1 class at 8:00 am
Biking Team Nate: “Two Dottirs and a Sson” 23+19 A lot of fun working with Becka and Ryan this morning!! This workout was a great opportunity to practice a couple of skills – Ring Muscle Up Transitions and Kipping HSPU. Thank you Frozen for showing me the fault and correction for my HSPU so that I could get the kip going a bit more smoothly. And thank you Ryan and Becka for the post-workout tips on the bike – I saw an immediate difference in power output 🙂 For this workout I did: 2 Ring MU Progressions from a 12″ Box, 3 Kipping HSPU, RKBS (53#), 7 Cals on the Bike. A nice twist on “Nate” and a great way to come together and honor a Hero!
Christina won the 630am dance competition whilst your partner bikes. Grateful for a partner with some grace. I need to work on my “Carleton”
I did happen to see Zogg and her dance moves – quite impressive!!
Biking Nate
23 + 2 reps with Joe A. Russian swings @ 70
2 ring muscle ups for me
2 Muscle up transitions for joe. And 4 HSPU for both of us. Fun WOD!