Day 15 Nutrition Challenge!

Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements.

Option 1 (Opens)
Team Nate – teams of 2. 1 person works while the other rests. Teammates will complete full rounds before switching.

Option 1 (Opens)
2 Ring Muscle-ups
4 Hand stand push-ups
8 Kettle bell swings(70,53)

Option 2 (Performance)
4 Chest to bar pull-ups
4 Box Hand stand push-ups or 2 wall walks.
8 Kettle bell swings(53,35)

Option 3 (Functional)
4 pull-ups
4 Dumbbell strict press(50,35)
8 Kettle bell swings (35,26)

*Options for muscle-ups today:
1 Chest to bar pull-ups
2. Pull-ups
3. Bar/box assisted pull-ups.
4. Ring rows.

Post WOD:
Foam roll Lats 

CFS Brief:
Day 15 Nutrition Challenge!
CrossFit Opens start in 37 days!