Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Prep the dead lift to WOD weight
Hedge Your Bets
3 Rounds:
500 Meter Row
12 Dead lifts (Body weight)
21 Burpees over the bar
Endurance & Stamina:
150 wall balls for time. Every minute ladder up burpees
2,4,6,8,10 and so on until the 150 burpees are done.
CFS Brief:
*Free class Friday October 5th. If you have a friend that is interested in trying CrossFit all classes are free that day..
*30 Day Fall Partner Nutrition Challenge
Day 10
*In-house Throwdown Saturday, 11/3/18
Registration opens at 7:30am. Athlete’s meeting at 8:00am. First heat goes off at 8:30am.
Teams of 2 either male/male or female/female with RX and Scaled Divisions
Cost per athlete is $29 (includes t-shirt for men and tank top for women – please specify shirt size when registering)
Athletes will register and list their division, RX or Scaled. (Please see the criteria below.) The coaching staff will then pair up the teams accordingly.
Click here to register for this event
Click here to volunteer for this event
*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Sky Box in Natick.
Deb — I assume that you’ll be doing the Endurance WOD on Wednesday, but just as an FYI … at the 7:30 WOD tonight we did a team set of 51 burbees for Crazy Mike’s birthday. 🎂 We collectively agreed that tonight’s WOD didn’t have enough one arm snatches and box jump overs so the twelve of us (thirteen including Hanna) did burpees in a circle kind of like Fenway doing the wave. We challenge the 5:30 crew to do the same. If you have thirty people it’s only 1.621 burpees per person.
Hedge your Bets. 19:00. DL #245.
11:59 rx (170#)
Ken that endurance WOD actually does look interesting. I took a rest day this morning because it has been a while since the last one. That said, I like today’s WOD – you can never go wrong with burpees and body weight DLs are also a favorite 🙂 I like the approach you took to Mike’s burpees and I will bring that up with the 5:30 crew…as you said, it would be about 1.5 burpees per person. I think we could handle that.
Hedge your bets: 17:06, 85# DL which I wish was RX but not quite (although at 5’4″ I shouldn’t weigh 85#!)
I’d say today’s workout covered crazy Mike’s birthday burpees!
Nice job getting through that last round of burpees, JL!
Thanks Tracey. Appreciated the encouragement this morning. Burpees are weakness, but a day like today helps me improve.
That is what it’s all about – if we all stayed home on days where we didn’t like something – the gym would be a lot less crowded!!
You need to eat more!
Hedge your Bets 14:51 RX (#185)
Paced the row a bit more this time so the DL’s felt a lot better.
Hedge your bets: 16:43 (500m, 205#, 15 burpees)
WOD: 12:19 RX + an extra 5 lb by accident cause I can’t add :/ (165#)
The legs felt like jello after all those box jumps and snatches yesterday.
Nicely done Ryan!