Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements

“Shark Tank”
With a 17 minute clock
7 Hang power Cleans (155,105)
3 Handstand Push-Ups
15/10 Cal row
*Add 3 Handstand Push-Ups each round
At the 12 minute mark
Accumulate a max distance hand stand walk or an 800m run for time.

Option 2:
With a 17 minute clock
7 Hang power Cleans (135,95)
3 Box Hand stand push-ups
15/10 Cal row
*Add 3 Box Hand stand each round
At the 12 minute mark
Accumulate a max distance hand stand walk or an 800m run for time.

Option 3:
With a 17 minute clock
7 Hang power Cleans (95,65)
3 Dumbell strict press(30,20)
15/10 Cal row
*Add 3 Dumbell strict press each round
At the 12 minute mark
Accumulate a max distance hand stand walk or an 800m run for time.

Endurance & Stamina:
Stroke pyramid: 10/20/30/40/50/40/30/20/10Row 10 strokes hard followed by 10 light. Then row 20 strokes hard followed by 20 light. 30 hard, 30 light. 40-40. 50-50. 40-40. 30-30. 20-20. 10-10.

CFS Brief:
Day 3 of 21 day challenge.

*Spartan Race Saturday May 12th 2:30pm heat.  Here is the link to sign up. The team name is CrossFit Synergistics and the race password to sign in is “race2018”.  Use any of these codes for a discount. “racenow10 or “spartan30” or athlinks2018.  https:/www.spartan.com/en/race/detail/3350/overview

Kettlebell Kitchen is an easy & convenient way to clean up your nutrition and reap all the benefits that come from clean eating.  KBK offers a variety of meal plans for things like Sport Performance, Fat Loss, Pure Paleo, Muscle Gain and more! The order cutoffs are:
Wednesday evening by midnight for Sunday delivery
Saturday evening by midnight for Wednesday delivery
(deliveries will be made late at night so plan on pick up for Monday and Thursday)