Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Prep the movements
“Shark Tank”
With a 17 minute clock
7 Hang power Cleans (155,105)
3 Handstand Push-Ups
15/10 Cal row
*Add 3 Handstand Push-Ups each round
At the 12 minute mark
Accumulate a max distance hand stand walk or an 800m run for time.
Option 2:
With a 17 minute clock
7 Hang power Cleans (135,95)
3 Box Hand stand push-ups
15/10 Cal row
*Add 3 Box Hand stand each round
At the 12 minute mark
Accumulate a max distance hand stand walk or an 800m run for time.
Option 3:
With a 17 minute clock
7 Hang power Cleans (95,65)
3 Dumbell strict press(30,20)
15/10 Cal row
*Add 3 Dumbell strict press each round
At the 12 minute mark
Accumulate a max distance hand stand walk or an 800m run for time.
Endurance & Stamina:
Stroke pyramid: 10/20/30/40/50/40/30/20/10Row 10 strokes hard followed by 10 light. Then row 20 strokes hard followed by 20 light. 30 hard, 30 light. 40-40. 50-50. 40-40. 30-30. 20-20. 10-10.
CFS Brief:
Day 3 of 21 day challenge.
*Spartan Race Saturday May 12th 2:30pm heat. Here is the link to sign up. The team name is CrossFit Synergistics and the race password to sign in is “race2018”. Use any of these codes for a discount. “racenow10 or “spartan30” or athlinks2018. https:/www.spartan.com/en/race/detail/3350/overview
Kettlebell Kitchen is an easy & convenient way to clean up your nutrition and reap all the benefits that come from clean eating. KBK offers a variety of meal plans for things like Sport Performance, Fat Loss, Pure Paleo, Muscle Gain and more! The order cutoffs are:
Wednesday evening by midnight for Sunday delivery
Saturday evening by midnight for Wednesday delivery
(deliveries will be made late at night so plan on pick up for Monday and Thursday)
Yes! After Fran, I need this workout. All my favorites.
Have early appts yesterday today and Thur. Miss the energy of the box.
Home driveway WODs. Have to admit it is beautiful to watch the sunrise doing cleans.
Shark Light weight at #75 HPC. Balance of the year I am working on form and less weight. Use the same bar for strict presses. 10 cal short of 5 rds. 4:35 on 800M run. Glorious day, take time to get out and enjoy it.
Shark Tank: 4+23, 40# cleans and 15# presses
Feeling good with the cleans – first time on the new knee. Will push it harder next time.
Managed to do a few HSPUs with the abmats underneath so that will be something to focus on.
The handstand walk was hard – went over a few times but managed to go a few steps and then did some holds against the wall.
Happiest of birthdays, Deb!
I admire your commitment to workout from home by yourself! I need the motivation of the box! Great job!
Shark Tank: 4+3 with a 4:31 800M Run 80#HPC | HSPU to 1.5 Ab Mats
And let’s not forget the xx Burpee cashout!! Thanks JD for the birthday hats and for everyone in the 5:30am for celebrating along with me!! Ilana brought delicious (and compliant) date, cocoa, coconut balls (the remaining balls do not stand a chance with John, so I doubt the 9:30 will see any). Thanks for all of the birthday wishes – definitely made my day!
Biggest 5:30 I’ve ever seen! Too many people to count….and I didn’t have enough birthday hats for everyone (and I brought 16)!
Happy Birthday Deb!
Happy Birthday Deb! The 50 burpees were fun and the coconut balls were delicious! Enjoy the rest of your day!
Happy Birthday Deb! Wish I could have been there.
Happy Birthday Deb, a/k/a Hanna, a/k/a Katrin.
And I love the energy of you deranged 5:30 a.m. people. If I hadn’t sworn off 5:30 a.m. workouts at the end of my college swimming career, and if the 7:30 p.m. crowd wasn’t as awesome as it is (it’s a great crew, especially when Crazy Mike and Patti grace us), I’d maybe even consider joining you all.
Feel free to do the Burpees tomorrow 😬
Thank you! After spending an hour in the Verizon store getting a new phone, the only way is “up” from here! Nice pace on those burpees!
You are not going to believe this but my twins Hanna and Katrin share the same EXACT birthday (tomorrow!!) This is getting more and more creepy. It’s like we are one person 😬 Ken, we’d love to have you join us one morning!!
4+22 #145
8 wall walks after the 12:00
Shark Tank
5 rounds rx
Then 30m of hand stand walking!
4+7 @155
Started w/ 2 hspu and +1 each round
Hand stand walk practice with a spotter
Fun watching people working out with birthday hats! Happy birthday Deb!!
My score/scales:
4 + 19
65# hpc / 25#(in each hand) dumbell strict press
Run: 4:31
Hope my neck starts cooperating with me soon – I kept my cleans a little lighter and was frustrated not to do handstand push-ups today. But happy to celebrate Deb!
Thanks for letting me keep up with you on the run 😬
4+32 (115#, 25# DBSP, 7 WW)
4+7 #135
Run 4:24