Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
Axle bar or trap bar deadlift. 20 minutes to build to a heavy triple.

“OPTIMUS PRIME” Compare from 3/27/19
Wall Ball Shots (20,14)
5 Deadlifts (225,155) at the top of each minute

*The workout starts with wall ball shots. At the top of each minute, starting at 1:00, complete 5 deadlifts, then resume wall ball shots. The total score will be the number of wall ball shots completed and deadlifts completed.

Option 2 Performance:
AMRAP in 7 minutes
Wall Ball Shots (20,14)(10′,9′)
5 Deadlifts (205,135) at the top of each minute

Option 3 Functional fitness:
AMRAP in 7 minutes
Wall Ball Shots (14,10)(10′,9′)
5 Deadlifts (155,105) at the top of each minute

Post WOD:
Banded hamstring stretch & couch stretch

CFS Brief:
4th of July schedule: 1 class at 8:00 am