Coach’s choice
WOD prep:
Curds & Whey for time:
3 Rounds:
21-15-9 Kettlebell swings Option 1. (70,53) Option 2. (50,35) Option 3 (35,26)
75 Double Unders after each rep scheme.
*Option for double unders 150 singles
Directly Into…
3 Rounds:
20 Dumbbell Snatches Option 1:(50,35) Option 2: (40,25) Option 3: (30,20)
12 Lateral Burpees over the dumbbell
Post WOD:
Kettlebell calf smash. 2 minutes per side.
CFS Brief:
Day 31 WLC
Double Under Seminar
Molly Metz, 5-time World Jump Rope Champion, and well-known in the CrossFit Community for her ability to do over 1400 unbroken Double Unders, is heading to our gym. Molly will dissect your form and coach you to improve your overall jump rope skills and master your Double Unders. Molly not only brings years of experience and coaching expertise to this seminar but takes pride in making the seminar fun and enjoyable.
The JumpNrope crew has traveled the world, visiting over 500 CrossFit gyms, and has trained over 10,000 CrossFit athletes on how to become proficient with this movement. In this 2-hour seminar, you will learn the fundamentals of jumping rope efficiently through techniques, drills, and instructions that have been perfected by Molly over the years. (Ropes will be provided. Just bring your fine self!)
Date: Saturday, September 14, 2019
Time: 2:30pm – 4:45pm
Cost: $65
Registration is limited to 15 and only open to CFS members
Curds and Whey: 16:48 | 44# KB | 30# DB | 150 Singles
Things always seem like a better idea before the workout than actually during it 🙂 Though I was happy to push myself and the KBS felt pretty good. I broke them up into two sets in the first two rounds and did 9 in the third. I also broke the DB Snatches into roughly two sets of 10. Thanks JD for the push on the last set of burpees – I knew after I finished that I could fall to the ground and create what was not a sweat angel, but a sweat crab. Great to see Kathi this morning and take in all of her coaching. Thanks Kathi! (and thanks also for rescuing my jump rope…now teach it double unders)
14:46 (44# kB, 25# dB, 150 singles)
I ended up muscling up the dumbbell snatches, and I feel like I could have gone slightly heavier, but Kathi was probably right to recommend that I keep it lighter if my shoulder wasn’t feeling great during the snatches. I really do need to work on my form for those – so thanks for the advise, Kathi!
I would have liked to see what a sweat crab looks like, Deb!
Curds and Whey: 15:33 | 26#KB, 20# DB, singles
I too would like to see the sweat crab – it was definitely steamy in the box today. I was happy with the KB swings – I don’t often do American Swings but they / I felt good and the rope was somewhat friendly so it came together. The burpees weren’t so much fun at the end so I’m calling this one “Curds and Why??” Thanks Kathi for the fun and great coaching tips!
16:08 RX