Coach’s choice
WOD prep:
1 hang power snatch
1 Overhead squat
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
Cliff Hanger for time
3 Rounds:
Teams of 2. One athlete works while the other rests.
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Hang power snatches (95,65)
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Overhead squats(95,65)
Athlete 1 will complete the bike and the hang power snatches, while athlete 2 rests.
Athlete 2 will complete the bike and the hang power snatches, while athlete 2 rests.
Athlete 1 will complete the bike and the overhead squats, while athlete 2 rests.
Athlete 2 will complete the bike and the overhead squats, while athlete 2 rests.
*Athletes will complete this rotation 3x each.
Option 2:
3 Rounds:
Teams of 2
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Hang power snatches (75,50)
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Overhead squats(75,50)
Option 3:
Teams of 2
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Hang power snatches (45,30)
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Overhead squats(45,30)
*Note to athletes if you are not snatching and overhead squatting you can hang power clean and front squat.
Post WOD:
Lax ball scaps. 2 minutes per side.
CFS Brief:
Day 40 WLC. Finish up strong! Post challenge repeat WOD this Saturday! Post-WLC Body composition will start this Friday. Email us at info@cfsyn.com to schedule a day and time.
Labor Day Adjusted Schedule
On Monday, September 2nd CFS will offer two classes –
8:00 am Adult CrossFit
9:30 am Adult CrossFit
There will be no kids classes on Labor Day.
Cliff Hanger: Team Short and Shorter 24:23 | Becka: Rx+ @ 75# | Deb.: 55#…and all of the calories on the bike 🙂
A great opportunity to practice Hang Power Snatch and Overhead Squat. I broke up the HPS into two sets of 6 and did the OHS unbroken. Thank you to Becka and Frozen for the cues!!
Cliff Hanger: A Team of One. There were an odd number of people at the 6:30AM, so I ended up unpartnered and taking a 2 minute rest for my “partner’s turn”. Thanks to Kevin, Ken, and John for encouraging me and watching my form.
21:56, 16 cal bike, 30# on the snatches, and 25# on the overhead squats.
Nice work this morning Jamie! This was a great opportunity to really hone in on the two movements, take your time, and focus on technique, which you did really well.
Felt good to step back into CFS after almost a month off!
Too bad I had to try and keep up with Alex in this one!
Alex – RX as usual
Me – 75# Hang PC and FS
With Tyler
19:18 rx