Coach’s choice

WOD prep:

1 hang power snatch
1 Overhead squat
1 hang power clean
1 front squat

Cliff Hanger
for time
3 Rounds:
Teams of 2. One athlete works while the other rests.
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Hang power snatches (95,65)
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Overhead squats(95,65)
Athlete 1 will complete the bike and the hang power snatches, while athlete 2 rests.
Athlete 2 will complete the bike and the hang power snatches, while athlete 2 rests.
Athlete 1 will complete the bike and the overhead squats, while athlete 2 rests.
Athlete 2 will complete the bike and the overhead squats, while athlete 2 rests.
*Athletes will complete this rotation 3x each.

Option 2:
3 Rounds:
Teams of 2
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Hang power snatches (75,50)
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Overhead squats(75,50)

Option 3:
Teams of 2
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Hang power snatches (45,30)
24/16 Calorie bike
12 Overhead squats(45,30)
*Note to athletes if you are not snatching and overhead squatting you can hang power clean and front squat.

Post WOD:
Lax ball scaps. 2 minutes per side.

CFS Brief:
Day 40 WLC. Finish up strong!  Post challenge repeat WOD this Saturday! Post-WLC Body composition will start this Friday.  Email us at info@cfsyn.com to schedule a day and time.

Labor Day Adjusted Schedule
On Monday, September 2nd CFS will offer two classes –
8:00 am Adult CrossFit
9:30 am Adult CrossFit

There will be no kids classes on Labor Day.