WOD Wednesday 1/24/18

WOD Wednesday 1/24/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep 5 X 5 Weighted strict pull-ups work to a heavy 5. WOD Meat and Potatos AMRAP 13:00 Teams of 2. one athlete completes a round while the other rests 1 Burpee 1 Toes to Bar 2 cals on bike Burpees and toes to bar go up by 1 each...
WOD Tuesday 1/23/18

WOD Tuesday 1/23/18

Alex Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep 1 pocket snatch pull 1 above knee snatch pull 1 overhead squat *Work up to a perfect complex. WOD Bat Cave AMRAP 10: 5 power snatches (95,65) 10 Overhead squats (95,65) 30 double unders Sub overhead walking lunges for squats...

WOD Kids &Teens Monday 1/22/18

Warm-Up 10 Super Slow Squats—> Cartwheel 30′ 10 Banded Good Mornings—> Spiderman Stretch 30′ 10 Sit Ups—> Broad Jump 30 ‘ 10 Push Ups—> Hurdle Over/ Hurdle Under WOD prep prep the movements WOD Partner WOD, Leap Frog Style AMRAP 9 7 pull-ups 7 Thrusters 7...
WOD Monday 1/22/18

WOD Monday 1/22/18

Warm-Up 2 rounds 10/7 cal row 5 medball squats 5 med ball strict press 10 Russian swings(Increase weight round 2) 10 box step ups(round 2 5 box jumps) WOD prep Prep the movemnts WOD 3 rounds 1 minute rest between rounds CFS Fight Gone Bad 1 minute of wall balls(20,14)...
WOD Sunday 1/21/18

WOD Sunday 1/21/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Bench Press build to a heavy 3 WOD Sailing 5 Rounds: 20 Sit-Ups 20 Jumping Lunges 30m Hand stand walk Option 2: 5 Rounds: 20 Sit-Ups 20 Jumping Lunges 6 wall climbs Option 3: 5 Rounds: 20 Sit-Ups 20 step back lunges 30m Bear crawl...
Mindful Breathing: Well-Being Practice week 1

Mindful Breathing: Well-Being Practice week 1

Mindful Breathing: Well-Being Practice 10 minutes a day By Michael StanwyckWell-Being Practices3 Comments Practice Mindful Breathing Each Day This Week Simple Instructions: Sit quietly or lie down, close your eyes and mouth, and put one hand on your chest and the...

WOD Kids & Teens Saturday 1/20/18

Warm-Up At a Warm Up Pace: 5 Squats into 5 Forward Rolls 5 Push Ups into 10 walking lunges twists 5 V-ups into 5 Broad Jumps 10 Lateral hurdle Hops into 10 Spidermans turn outs WOD prep Knees to elbows WOD MS/HS AMRAP 7 10 Overhead walking lunges (up to 30lb DB,...