WOD Saturday 12/29/18

WOD Saturday 12/29/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prepPrep the movements WODTeam Barbara on the run for time5 rounds, each for time, of:20 pull-ups30 push-ups40 sit-ups50 squats800 m run*The movements must be completed in order. Divide the reps and run as you like.Options for...

WOD Teens Friday 12/28/18

Warm-Up Mixed Tabata:V UpsSquatsTuck JumpsPVC Press WOD prepPush PressBuild to a heavy 5 reps.5,5,5,5,5 WOD21-15-9Push Press30-20-10Jumping Lunges Post WOD3x Max unbroken Double Unders or single unders
WOD Friday 12/28/18

WOD Friday 12/28/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choiceWOD prepDead LiftBuild to Wod weightWODPJTeams of 2 divide the reps and calories however you like.AMRAP 2212 Dead lifts (205, 135)15 Hand stand push-ups18/13 Calorie row*The load for the dead lift you should feel comfortable moving 6 rep...

WOD Kids Thursday 12/27/18

Warm-Up Mixed Tabata: V Ups Squats Tuck Jumps PVC Press WOD prepPush Press WOD21-15-9 Push Press 30-20-10 Jumping Lunges Post WOD3x Max unbroken Double Unders or single unders
WOD Thursday 12/27/18

WOD Thursday 12/27/18

Joe Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prepPrep the movements WOD (33 total minutes)Ghost Ride6 rounds of 1 minute Calorie bike1 minute Burpees1 minute row3 minutes rest between rounds. *Try for as many reps as possible of each exercise, not just total score. Record...

WOD Kids & Teens Wednesday 12/26/18

Warm-Up Coach’s Choice WOD prepTrap Bar Dead Lift10, 8, 6, 4, 2Add weight each set if capable.WODTeams of 2. Divide the work however you like.AMRAP 1610 Russian KB swings12 Burpees over the rower14 Calorie row Post WOD:Mobility
WOD Wednesday 12/26/18

WOD Wednesday 12/26/18

Justin Warm-Up 16 roundsTabata warm-up – 20 seconds on 10 seconds off.First 8 roundsMax Jumping jacksPlank shoulder taps5 pull-ups or ring rows5 Push-upsSecond 8 roundsMax Jump rope double or singlesMax Ab-mat Sit-upsSquats10 reps Barbell bench press WOD...