WOD Monday 12/24/2018

WOD Monday 12/24/2018

WOD set up:1. Take a 12 Days of Christmas clip board & cheat sheet.2. Gather your equipment for the WOD. Bars and rowers are already out. Please don’t move the rowers. If you need to move a bar for a different one please switch and put the bar back next to...

WOD Kids & Teens Monday 12/24/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD“12 Days of Christmas”(1) Rope climb (12 sets) (2) Shoulder to over head (11 sets) (3) Pull-ups (10 sets) (4) Hang Power cleans (9 sets)(5) Calorie bike (8 sets)(6) Abmat sit-ups(7 sets)(7) Burpees (6 sets)(8...

WOD Sunday 12/23/18

Warm-Up 4 to 5 per team is ideal.AMRAP 85 air squatssprint 10 m to the box3 Burpee box jump overs or step overs5 ab-mat sit-upssprint 10 m back and high five your team mate! WOD prep:Prep the movements. WODDragon GlassTeams of 2. 1 person works while the other...

WOD Saturday 12/22/18

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prepPrep the movements. WODWinds of Winter4 Rounds for time400 m single arm dumbbell carry (53,35)20 Alternating dumbbell Snatches (50,35 lb)5 Strict Hand stand push-ups.4 DB Turkish Get-Ups (50,35) 2 on one side, 2 on the other.Option...

WOD Kids & Teens Friday 12/21/18

Warm-Up 30 second row20 double unders or single unders100 m shuttle run10 air squats5 box jump overs5 pull-ups or ring rows 10 ab-mat sit-ups.WOD prep2 DB dead lifts2 DB hang power cleans2 DB front squats2 DB push pressBuild to WOD weight.WODAMRAP 45 DB dead lifts 5...
WOD Friday 12/21/18

WOD Friday 12/21/18

Warm-Up 30 second row20 double unders or single unders50m run 25m up, 25m back10 air squats5 box jump overs5 pull-ups or ring rows WOD prep2 dead lifts2 hang power cleans2 push pressBuild to wod weight WOD3 DragonsAMRAP 65 dead lifts (115,75)10 Hang Squat Cleans...