by CFS | Apr 22, 2019 | News
Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: 2 position power snatch Position 1 pockets Position 2 above knee *Build to a perfect single. WOD: Monkey Mind Option 1, 2 & 3 4 Rounds for time of: 400-m run 7 Power snatches (60% of your perfect single) 3 Rope Climbs, 15...
by CFS | Apr 22, 2019 | Kids & Teens WOD
Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep Front squat. Add weight each set if capable. 5,5,5,5,5 Super set with strict chin-ups. Add weight if capable. 2,2,2,2,2 WOD Teams of 2 10 rounds(5 each athlete) 5 Sand bag front squats 30m sandbag carry Athletes will complete the...
by CFS | Apr 22, 2019 | News
Who is it for? Everyone! How much does it cost? This challenge is free. All that is required is to be open minded to some new ideas and concepts. How do I sign up? Just put your name up on the white board at the box. How does the nutrition challenge work? The first 7...
by CFS | Apr 21, 2019 | News
“Learn the mechanics of fundamental movements; establish a consistent pattern of practicing these same movements, and, only then, ratchet up the intensity of workouts incorporating these movements. ‘Mechanics,’ then ‘Consistency,’ and then ‘Intensity’– this is...
by CFS | Apr 20, 2019 | News
Warm-Up: Athletes choice WOD prep: Prep the hop WOD: Death by Bunnie Burpees EMOM ladder by 1-rep Minute 1- 1 burpee Minute 2- 2 burpee Minute 3- 3 burpee *Continue in this pattern until you fail to complete the number of burpees in the minute. Any CrossFit...
by CFS | Apr 20, 2019 | News
5 Rounds 10 Burpees 1 Rope climb or cargo net climb 5 Slam ball toss box climb overs 20 medball overhead walking lunges( 10 each leg) 10 monkey bar climbs or accumulate 1 minute dead hang. Then 1 mile group sandbag carry (group chooses the...
by CFS | Apr 19, 2019 | Kids & Teens WOD
Warm-Up: Mixed Tabata Have Kids Choose the Moves WOD prep: 5 to 7 “Perfect” movement Relay: Lets review all the movements we have practiced this year. Listen carefully when you get to the cone for which movement the trainer would like you to demonstrate. 8 + ...
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