WOD Wednesday 9/25/19

Warm-Up Coach’s choice WOD prep EMOM 9 With your team, each person will start @ a different movement and rotate in order. Minute 1 9/6 calorie bike Minute 2 5 barbell front squats/5 strict press Minute 3 3-5 strict pull-ups WOD: “CTC” Teams of 3...

WOD Tuesday 9/24/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the swings to WOD weight. Double under and speed step practice. WOD: 5 Rounds for time: 15 Kettlebell Swing (70,53) 400 Meter Run 40 Double Unders Option 2: 5 Rounds for time: 15 Kettlebell Swing (53,35) 400 Meter Run 40...
WOD Monday 9/23/19

WOD Monday 9/23/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements to the chief build to WOD weight. WOD: “Fish Out Of Water”(Courtesy of CFNE) For Time: 2k Row 10 Rounds of “Heavy Chief” (155,105) Option 2: For Time: 2k Row 10 Rounds of “Chief” (135,95) Option 3: For Time: 2k...
WOD Sunday 9/22/19

WOD Sunday 9/22/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the DB snatch WOD: Triple Rainbow Option 1 & 2 AMRAP 6 16-12-8 Calories Ski Erg Dumbbell power snatch Opt. 1 (50,35) Opt. 2 (40,25)  Max Burpees with the remaining time. Rest 3 Minutes AMRAP 6 16-12-8 Calories row...
WOD Saturday 9/21/19

WOD Saturday 9/21/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Practice dips  Build your deadlift to WOD weight. WOD: Ice Cream Sandwich for time: 1 Mile Run Then 21-15-9: Deadlifts (225,155) Box Jump Overs (24.20) Ring dips Then 1 Mile Run *You should be able to get each deadlift set...
WOD Friday 9/20/19

WOD Friday 9/20/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: EMOTM – 9 Minutes Minute 1: 5 plate squat therapy reps + 5 PVC pass-throughs Minute 2: 10 PVC snatch-grip push jerk (from back rack) Minute 3: 5 PVC sots press, 1-second pause in lockout (PVC) The focus on today is...
WOD Thursday 9/19/19

WOD Thursday 9/19/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements. 3.2.1. go! WOD: Teams of 2 (50-minute cap) Wheel House Joe for time: 2k row 800m sandbag run(50,35) 200 calorie bike 800m sandbag run(50,35) 2k row *1 athlete works while the other rests. *The run will be...