WOD Wednesday 9/18/19

WOD Wednesday 9/18/19

Warm-Up 2 Rounds: 7/4 Cals on the Ski Erg. 1 Glute bandboxes 5 Snatch grip deadlifts 1 wall walk 10 Banded pull-aparts  Then 1-minute childs pose stretch with hands on a 20″ box WOD prep: On the 90 seconds for 8 rounds (12 minutes) 1 hang power snatch....
WOD Tuesday 9/17/19

WOD Tuesday 9/17/19

Warm-Up: 2 rounds 10/7 cal row 5 med-ball squats 5 med ball strict press 10 Russian swings (Increase weight round 2) 10 box step-ups (round two 5 box jumps) WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: CFS Fight Gone Bad (Compare from 10/22/18) 3 rounds 1-minute rest between...

WOD Monday 9/16/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Practice pull-ups double unders and speed steps. WOD prep: 20 minutes Build to a heavy complex. 1 power clean  1 front squat 1 squat clean WOD: Triple Dutch AMRAP in 10 minutes 6 Squat Cleans (155,105) 12 Chest to bar pull-ups 24...
WOD Sunday 9/15/19

WOD Sunday 9/15/19

Kleine Scheidegg, where Clint Eastwood filmed The Eiger Sanction in 1975. It still looks the same! Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Practice the Ski erg, ball slams, and sledgehammer hits. WOD: The Eiger Sanction Teams of 3 or 4 10k ski for time Every 3 minutes...
Welcome Molly Metz and the JumpNrope crew!

Welcome Molly Metz and the JumpNrope crew!

Molly Metz, 5-time World Jump Rope Champion, and well-known in the CrossFit Community for her ability to do over 1400 unbroken Double Unders, is heading to our gym. Molly will dissect your form and coach you to improve your overall jump rope skills and master your...
Athleta offering 20% off entire purchase!

Athleta offering 20% off entire purchase!

Athleta at the Natick Mall is offering 20% off your entire purchase for friends of CFS! This offer is valid from September 12th – September 16th.  Click the link below to get the invitation to show at checkout or pull it up on your phone at checkout. ...
WOD Saturday 9/14/19

WOD Saturday 9/14/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Build your deadlift up to WOD weight WOD: Tea for Two Teams of 2. Athletes complete full rounds before switching. AMRAP 30 5 Deadlifts (275,180) 10 Hand release push-ups 15/10 Calorie *Choose a dead lift load that will allow you...