WOD Friday 12/27/19

WOD Friday 12/27/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the power clean and front squat to the heaviest WOD weight. WOD: The Island of Miss Fit Toys Teams of 3, AMRAP 30: 60 Calorie bike 50 Calorie Ski 40 Power cleans 30 Front squats * The load you choose for this WOD you should...
WOD Thursday 12/26/19

WOD Thursday 12/26/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the shoulder to overhead to heaviest  WOD weight.  The loads that you choose for the WOD you should be capable of going unbroken in the first round.  Practice pull-ups and double unders. Options for double...
WOD Tuesday 12/24/19 Merry Christmas!

WOD Tuesday 12/24/19 Merry Christmas!

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements for the WOD WOD: “12 Days of Christmas”  (1) Thruster (135,95)(12 sets) (2) Hang power cleans (135,95)(11 sets) (3) Deadlifts (135,95)(10 sets) (4) Burpees over the barbell (9 sets) (5) Toes to bar (8...

WOD Monday 10/23/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the Dumbbell snatch and wall balls to WOD weight. WOD: Option 1: EMOM 21 Minute 1 10 Wallballs (20,14)(10′ target) Minute 2 10/7 Calorie bike Minute 3 10 Dumbell snatches (50,35) Option 2: EMOM 21 Minute 1 10...
WOD Sunday 12/22/19

WOD Sunday 12/22/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Practice tire flips WOD: Strong Man WOD or choose a WOD you missed this week. 20 Down To 1 Cals Row * 1 x Tire Flip Between Each Interval *AHAP Post WOD: Banded hamstring stretch. 2 minutes per side CFS Brief: Adjusted Holiday...
WOD Saturday 12/21/19

WOD Saturday 12/21/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Yin  AMRAP 15 Teams of 2. Athletes complete full rounds before switching. 10/7 calorie Ski 10 Kettlebell swings Option 1 (53,35) Option 2(35,26) Option 3(26,18) 5 Burpees 5-minute rest, transitioning...
Nutre Meal Plans – A new meal delivery service!

Nutre Meal Plans – A new meal delivery service!

Outside of your workout, the food you fuel your body with is essential to looking, feeling, and performing your best. If you want real results then you’ve got to eat right. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Nutre –...