WOD Sunday Funday 2/16/20

WOD Sunday Funday 2/16/20

Teddy ballgame loves his Abmat sit-ups   Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the bench and Russian swings to WOD weight WOD: Brobra-Someone, typically a skater, surfer, or snowboarder dude whom you can count on. This person is laid back, mellow, chill,...
WOD Saturday 2/15/20

WOD Saturday 2/15/20

Alex Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Prep the movements Prep the power cleans to WOD weight Max of 2 bars per team for the power clean. WOD: Battle Stations Teams of 3 (Partner with similar strengths if possible) 5 Station rotation 5-minute stations...
WOD Friday 2/14/20

WOD Friday 2/14/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: 15 minutes to build to a heavy complex. 1 push press 1 push jerk WOD: Love Sick AMRAP 14 21/14 Calorie Row 14 STOH (115,75) 21/14 Calorie Bike 14 Red plate push-ups. Option 2:  AMRAP 14 21/14 Calorie Row 14 STOH (95,65)...

WOD Thursday 2/13/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles AMRAP 20 10 Dumbbell alternating snatches(50,35) 10 Dumbbell box step-ups (50,35)(20″ box) 10 Burpee pull-ups Option 2: AMRAP 20 10 Dumbbell alternating...
WOD Wednesday 2/12/20

WOD Wednesday 2/12/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Hang Squat Clean 15 minutes to build to a heavy single. 70 to 75% of your heavy single squat clean may help you determine your work out load.  You should be thinking unbroken hang squat cleans through the set of...
WOD Tuesday 2/11/20

WOD Tuesday 2/11/20

Saskia Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Strict Press. 15 minutes to build to a heavy triple WOD: BookEnds EMOM 16 (4 rounds) Minute 1 15/10 calorie ski Minute 2 20 Ab-mat sit-ups Minute 3 15/10 calorie ski Minute 4 Rest *Today we are thinking sprint day. We...
WOD Monday 2/10/20

WOD Monday 2/10/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Kettlebell floor press. Build to a heavy 5.  Practice your L-sit pull-ups or your option for the L-sit pull-up.  WOD: Street Sweeper 1000/ 750 m row Then 3 rounds for time: 7 Kettlebell floor press (70,53) 5 strict...