WOD Sunday 2/23/20

WOD Sunday 2/23/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Spider Zombie (compare from (7/31/18) Or perform a WOD you missed this week! 800m run outside then 21-15-9 Wallballs(20,14) Kettlebell swings (70,53) then 800m run outside Option 2: 800m run outside then...
WOD Saturday 2/22/20

WOD Saturday 2/22/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Prep the clean and jerk to WOD weight. Choose a load that allows you to go unbroken  WOD: Instant Pot Teams of 2. Partner with similar strengths if possible. AMRAP 20 10 Hang clean and jerks (135,95) 10 Burpees over the...
WOD Friday 2/21/20

WOD Friday 2/21/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: 5 rounds for time (20-minute cap) 10 Sandbag broad jumps 4′ over the sandbag 10 Sandbag ground to over the Shoulder (50,35) 10 Sandbag Thrusters (50,35) 200-meter Sandbag Carry turf run (50,35)...
WOD Thursday 2/20/20

WOD Thursday 2/20/20

Alex & Becka   Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: Cheap Date AMRAP 25 minutes: Teams of 2. 1 partner works while the other rests. 10 Dumbbell Alternating Renegade Rows(5 each side) Option 1(50,35) Option 2(35,20) Option...
WOD Wednesday 2/19/20

WOD Wednesday 2/19/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: Prep the Deadlift to WOD weight. Practice handstand push-ups and strict press WOD: Dead Chief Five 3 minute rounds 3 Deadlifts (225,150) 6 Handstand push-ups 9 Air squats *Rest 1 minute between rounds If not performing...

WOD Tuesday 2/18/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s WOD prep: Practice row, bike and burpees 30 seconds for each. This will help determine your numbers for the WOD. WOD: “Fortified” (courage in pain or adversity) Alternating Minutes for 10 Rounds in 30 minutes Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row Minute 2: 15...
WOD Monday 2/17/20

WOD Monday 2/17/20

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice Pre WOD prep: OT2M for 6 sets.  Build to WOD weight. 1 hang power snatch 1 overhead squat WOD El Presidente AMRAP 20 50 double unders 10 pullups 6 Hang power snatches(135,95) 4 Overhead squats(same) Option 2: AMRAP 20 50 double...