Day 24 Nutrition Challenge!

Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements

Option 1 Opens:
Partners In Crime for Time:
Teams of 2.  1 person works while the other rests, except for the runs.
800 m sand bag run together(50,35)
50 Box Jump Overs (24,20)
50 DB Snatches (50,35)
50 Toes to bar
50 DB Snatches (50,35)
50 Box Jump Overs (24,20)
800 m sand bag run together(50,35)

Option 2 performance:
800 m sand bag run together(40,25)
50 Box Jump Overs (24,20)
50 DB Snatches (40,25)
50 Knees to 90
50 DB Snatches (40,25)
50 Box Jump Overs (24,20)
800 m sand bag run together(40,25)

Option 3 Functional:
800 m sand bag run together
50 Box Jump Overs (20,12)
50 DB Snatches (30,20)
50 Toes to Rig
50 DB Snatches (30,20)
50 Box Jump Overs (20,12)
800 m sand bag run together(35,20)

Post WOD
Foam roll for 5 minutes

CFS Brief:
Day 24 Nutrition Challenge!
CrossFit Opens start in 28 days!