CFS Recipe of the week!

INGREDIENTS: 3 oz. chicken thighs 1 tbsp. soy sauce ¼ onion 1 tsp. black sesame seeds 1 tbsp. butter 1 oz. carrot 1 tbsp. sesame oil ⅓ c. broccolini 1 tbsp. scallions ½ tsp. ginger

WOD Sunday 12/1/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep & Practice the lifts WOD: Bro Session (Compare from 10/27/19) or perform a WOD you missed this week! Bench press 10 x 3 reps Dumbbell 1 arm row 10 x 5 reps each arm Barbell curls 10 x 7 reps *100m ski, row or run after the...
WOD Saturday 11/30/19

WOD Saturday 11/30/19

Franz Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: With a 46 minute clock minute 0 to 16 On the 4 minutes for 4 rounds Rope/Snatch/Burpee complex 4 sets to build to WOD weight. Everyone starts with a bar. 20-speed steps then 1 snatch grip deadlift 1 hang power snatch from...
Wodsgiving Friday 11/29/19

Wodsgiving Friday 11/29/19

Karyn & Meghan   Friday, 11/29 we will offer the following schedule: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Wodsgiving Open Box **There will be no teens class on 11/29 This open box will be structured with 3 WODs.  Athletes can come to do as many WODs as they want!...
WOD Thursday 11/28/19

WOD Thursday 11/28/19

Happy Thanksgiving! Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep The movements WOD: Teams of 2. 1 person will work while the other rests. Divide the row, bike & ski calories as you like. Divide the runs as you like. Athletes will complete full rounds of Cindy...

WOD Wednesday 11/17/19

Warm-Up:  Coach’s choice WOD prep: Dead Lift. 20 minutes to build to a heavy double 8,6,4,2,2 WOD: Shemp AMRAP 12 30 Double Unders 20 Ab-mat sit 10 Kettlebell Swings Opt. 1 (53,35) Opt. 2 (35,26) 3. (26,18) *Every Minute on the Minute: 3 Burpees *The work...
Tuesday 11/26/19

Tuesday 11/26/19

Saskia Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the movements WOD: “Hey Moe” 3 Rounds: 1:00 Dumbbell Goblet Squats Opt. 1 (50,35) Opt. 2 (40,25) Opt. 3 (30,20) 1:00 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (Same) 1:00 Box Jumps (20″) 1:00 Single Dumbbell...