Karyn & Meghan


Friday, 11/29 we will offer the following schedule:
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Wodsgiving Open Box
**There will be no teens class on 11/29
This open box will be structured with 3 WODs.  Athletes can come to do as many WODs as they want!  WODs will start at approximately 9:30 am, 10:30 am and 11:30 am.  Start times may shift slightly due to the number of athletes and possible multiple heats.  Athletes will warm up on their own. Please arrive early and warm-up properly.  
Please sign in upon arrival.  

Athletes will warm up on their own. Please arrive early and warm-up properly.  A coach will be there for guidance.

WOD prep:
Prep the movements.

WOD 1: To go off @ 9:30 am
More Pie Please
10 burpee to plate
15 plate ground to overhead (45,35)
20 Reverse lunges (hold the plate at chest)
30 m OH plate walk (15 m down / 15 m back)
*Scale loads as needed

WOD 2: To go off @ 10:30 am
Pass The Gravy
In teams of 2:
With a running clock:
Buy-in: 75 calories (you choose)
AMRAP to the 25-minute mark
20 power cleans (135, 95)
20 wall balls (20,14) (10ft)
20 partner sit-ups with wallball
200 m run (runs must be done w/ partner)
@ the 25-minute mark
Cash-out: 75 calories (you choose)
(break up calories / cleans & wall balls however you’d like)
*Scale loads as needed.

WOD 3: To go off @ 11:30 am
The Leftovers
For time:
10 Suitcase KB Deadlift (70,53) + 10m farmers carry + 50 calorie row (5m down/5m back)

10 Suitcase KB Deadlift (70,53) + 20m farmers carry + 40 calorie row (10m down/10m back)

10 Suitcase KB Deadlift (70,53) + 30m farmers carry + 30 calorie row (15m down/ 15m back)

10 Suitcase KB Deadlift (70,53) + 40m farmers carry + 20 calorie row (20m down/ 20m back)

10 Suitcase KB Deadlift (70,53) + 50m farmers carry + 10 calorie row (25m down/ 25m back)

*Scale the load of the kettle bells as needed.

Post WOD:

CFS Brief:
Save the date
, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 14th @ Skybokx 109 in Natick.

CFS 21 Day Complaint Free Challenge.
See the detailed post. The challenge starts whenever you get your bracelet. Join today!

Adjusted Schedule,  11/29

Friday, 11/29 we will offer the following schedule:
9:00 am – 12:30 pm Wodsgiving Open Box
**There will be no teens class on 11/29
This open box will be structured with 3 WODs.  Athletes can come to do as many WODs as they want!  WODs will start at approximately 9:30 am, 10:30 am and 11:30 am.  Start times may shift slightly due to the number of athletes and possible multiple heats.  Athletes will warm up on their own. Please arrive early and warm-up properly.  
Please sign in upon arrival.  

We will have a regular schedule on Saturday & Sunday.