WOD Monday 10/28/19

WOD Monday 10/28/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the clean & Jerk to WOD weight WOD: Dana AMRAP 20 Buy-in 37 Burpees 3 Clean and Jerk (135,95) 6 push-ups 9 Box jumps (24,20) 12 Calorie Row Option 2: 37 Burpees 3 Clean and Jerk (115,75) 6 push-ups 9 Box jumps (24,20)...
WOD Sunday Fun Day 10/27/19

WOD Sunday Fun Day 10/27/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep & Practice the lifts WOD: Bro Session or perform a WOD you missed this week! Bench press 10 x 3 reps Dumbbell 1 arm row 10 x 5 reps each arm Barbell curls 10 x 7 reps *100m ski, row or run after the set of barbell...

WOD Saturday 10/26/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep the Front squats to WOD weight. Practice Kip swings and toes to bar. Options for toes to bar: 1. Knees to 90 2. Toes to rig WOD: Mind Control AMRAP 20: 7 Toes to Bar 7 Front Squats (135,95) 200 Meter run Option 2: AMRAP 20:...

WOD Friday Opens Workout 20.3

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Warm Lifts up to WOD weight. Practice your gymnastics movements appropriate for your workout.   WOD: WORKOUT 20.3 Rx’d (Ages 16-54) ♀ deadlift 155 lb. then 205 lb. ♂ deadlift 225 lb. then 315 lb. Scaled (Ages 16-54) ♀...
WOD Thursday 10/24/19

WOD Thursday 10/24/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep your goat and Wheel House or prep the movements for Gotcha WOD: Goat / Wheelhouse Day or “Bag It” EMOM 20 Odd Minutes Goat: movement Even Minutes: Wheel House movement “Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that...

WOD Wednesday 10/23/19

Warm-Up: Ski rolling game 5-second hollow hold for every calorie over or under 100.  The hollow hold will be performed by both partners. WOD prep: Skills & Drills EMOM 9 (3 rounds) Minute 1- 5 tempo kip swings Minute 2- With a barbell. 2 strict press, 2 push...
WOD Tuesday 10/22/19

WOD Tuesday 10/22/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: With a 22 minute clock 10-minute power clean warm-up time. then CFS In-House Throwdown WORKOUT 1 12 min to establish a 1 RM Power Clean or Squat Clean for each athlete. The combined lifts will be your score. 1 bar per team. WOD:...