Dr. Andrew Fiola will be at CrossFit Synergistics this Saturday, February 8th from 7:30 am to 11:30 am performing ART therapy (see description below).  If you are interested in a free 20-minute session please email eliz@cfsyn.com and specify the time you would like to book along with a phone number for us to confirm your appointment if that time is still available.

These appointments are for first-time clients only.  

Available times:

7:30 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am

Dr. Andrew Fiola is a native of western Massachusetts.  He attended Minnechaug Regional H.S. where he participated in football, ice hockey and track and field.  Upon graduation, Dr. Fiola went on to attend Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.  There, he played four years of football, being named Defensive Player of the Year as a junior and team captain as a senior. 

Injuries suffered while playing sports and, more specifically, while training for these sports sparked Dr. Fiola’s interest in the field of sports medicine.  An early encounter with a sports chiropractor in high school steered him towards the unconventional path that he chose.  Graduating with a major in Biology from Wesleyan University, Dr. Fiola relocated to Dallas, TX to attend Parker University College of Chiropractic.  It was there that he continued to search for the sports chiropractic niche that he had envisioned, finding it with a clinical mentorship with Dr. Troy Van Biezen at ChiroSport Specialists of Dallas.  Dr. Van Biezen is the chiropractor for a handful of the most prominent golfers on the PGA tour, as well as the team chiropractor for the Dallas Stars and several other professional athletes.  In that setting, Dr. Fiola found what he was looking for. 

Prior to graduation, Dr. Fiola attended courses outside of school to become full body and nerve entrapment certified in Active Release Techniques, as well as receiving certifications from TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) and SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Assessment).  Graduating from Parker College of Chiropractic Summa Cum Laude, Dr. Fiola was asked to join the staff working under Dr. Van Biezen, where he worked for 2 more years on top of the 8-month clinical rotation.  In order to be closer to family, Dr. Fiola moved back to Massachusetts and opened Fiola Sports Chiropractic in January of 2015.  Dr. Fiola seeks to bring the same level of care that was so effective in Dallas, to athletes of all skill levels in the Boston area.



ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.


Over-used muscles (and other soft tissues) change in three important ways:

  • Acute conditions (pulls, tears, collisions, etc)
  • Accumulation of small tears (micro-trauma)
  • Not getting enough oxygen (hypoxia)

Each of these factors can cause your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves can become trapped. This can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain. If a nerve is trapped you may also feel tingling, numbness, and weakness.



Every ART session is actually a combination of examination and treatment. The ART provider uses his or her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements. These treatment protocols – over 500 specific moves – are unique to ART. They allow providers to identify and correct the specific problems that are affecting each individual patient. ART is not a cookie-cutter approach. 


ART has been developed, refined, and patented by P. Michael Leahy, DC, CCSP. Dr. Leahy noticed that his patients’ symptoms seemed to be related to changes in their soft tissue that could be felt by hand. By observing how muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves responded to different types of work, Dr. Leahy was able to consistently resolve over 90% of his patients’ problems. He now teaches and certifies health care providers all over the world to use ART.



SFMA is a series of 7 full-body movement tests designed to assess fundamental patterns of movement such as bending and squatting in those with known musculoskeletal pain. When the clinical assessment is initiated from the perspective of the movement pattern, the clinician has the opportunity to identify meaningful impairments that may be seemingly unrelated to the main musculoskeletal complaint, but contribute to the associated disability. This concept, known as Regional Interdependence, is the hallmark of the SFMA. The assessment guides the clinician to the most dysfunctional non-painful movement pattern, which is then assessed in detail. This approach is designed to complement the existing exam and serve as a model to efficiently integrate the concepts of posture, muscle balance and the fundamental patterns of movement into musculoskeletal practice. By addressing the most dysfunctional non-painful pattern, the application of targeted interventions (manual therapy and therapeutic exercise) is not adversely affected by pain. SFMA offers doctors and physical therapists a new approach to the treatment of pain and dysfunction. Our standardized clinical model ensures isolating the cause of injury and efficient care.


Once Clinical Predictive Rules and diagnosis-specific techniques are exhausted, applying the SFMA model will allow for individualized exercise prescription and progression, which encompasses the concept of regional interdependence. As musculoskeletal system experts, it is essential that healthcare providers understand the relationships between body segments and how impairments in one body region may adversely affect function of another body region. Approaching therapeutic exercise prescription from a movement perspective model allows the concepts of muscle imbalance and regional interdependence to be addressed in a logical, methodical manner. Modeled after Cyriax’s selective tissue testing, each test of the SFMA is scored as functional/non-painful, dysfunctional/non-painful, functional/painful or dysfunctional/painful. The goal for the clinician is to identify the most dysfunctional non-painful movement pattern and break the pattern down to identify the underlying cause of the dysfunction. This includes using traditional muscle length and joint assessment tests which lead to corrective manual therapy and exercise interventions. Emphasis is placed on identifying the most dysfunctional patterns. The model calls for the intervention to be directed only at the non-painful patterns. This ensures that the adverse effects of pain on motor control will not hinder corrective strategies.