Congratulations to Rob Mawrey  , May Athlete of The Month! Let’s get to know Rob a little better with some questions below.

When and how did you get started with us?
I joined CFS over four years ago just before the move was made to our new box.  I was on a Paleo kick at the time trying to be healthy and I came across CrossFit in articles that I was reading.  I decided to give it a try and it clicked.

What is your biggest accomplishment since joining CFS?
Not giving up and making great friends!  Also – just recently managing a few strict pull-ups after losing a bunch of weight!  I’m pretty good on the one minute bike too but did not have to work hard for that so it does not count.

What is your favorite CrossFit movement?
Movements that involve very short bursts of all out effort because they play to my strength.   If I had to pick one I’d say the 20 cal bike.

Do you have a hobby? If you do what is it?
I enjoy fishing.  Offshore tuna fishing when I’m lucky enough to catch a tuna but I’m also just as happy fishing off local shoals in Nantucket Sound.

What is your advice to new folks?
Persevere and get to know your WOD buddies.  I look forward to my workouts mainly because I get to spend time with people I like and have gotten to know.

What is the last thing you purchased on Amazon?
A record player and powered speakers for my daughter’s birthday.

If you could be any super hero who would you be and why?
If I had to be a super hero I’d prefer to be a happy one.  Know of any? Failing that I will go with The Flash because perhaps it would remind me of being able to run as fast as I could in my teens.

Did you have a nick name growing up?  If so what was it?
Robbo to a few of my friends but most people know me as Robert or Rob.  If anyone calls me Bob or Bobby you know they don’t know me very well.

What is your favorite holiday and why?
I love summers so I will have to pick July 4th.  I grew up on the beach in South Africa and summers bring back very happy memories.

What are your 2 all-time favorite movies?
This is a hard question because I forget almost every movie I’ve seen within a day or two.  It’s a standing joke at home. I will go with Forrest Gump and the Lord of the Rings.

What is something most people would not know about you?
When I was a university post graduate I was (the South African equivalent of) a resident assistant of an all women’s residence hall for three years.  Perhaps sounds like a dream job but the reality was another story!