Who wants to do a 30 day nutritional challenge!  Join in and commit to 30 days of eating clean.  This means lean protein, healthy fats, fruit and LOTS of veggies, including sweet potatoes and some nuts and seeds.  Design your 30 days so that it works for you. Maybe you would like to eliminate only dairy. Maybe the sugar. Perhaps eliminating alcohol is on your to do list.

We have a private Facebook page that we started during one of our previous challenges.  If you’re already in that group you’re all set.  If you’re not, email Kathi Hothem at kathi@cfsyn.com and she’ll invite you into the group.  If you are interested in participating please post your intentions to the Facebook page – putting this out there will help hold you accountable. We believe that having a community of like minded people will enhance the experience and make it easier for everybody. There are no points, punishments or prizes. Just a group of people working toward a similar goal. Of course, if you have any questions, suggestions etc., please post to the group.  The on-going communication on the page is a great source of motivation for many.