CFS is hosting a 12-hour physical challenge to be held from 10:00 PM to 10:00 AM starting Saturday night October 5th and ending on Sunday morning, October 6th.  This event is designed to test your endurance, perseverance, and mental toughness, through a series of individual and team events.  Exercise mental toughness and break through the barriers calling for comfort.  Deny the voice saying “this is too hard”, deny the voice saying “what do I have to prove?”, Deny the voice saying “I can’t”.  

This 12-hour CrossFit endurance evening consisting of multiple individual and group events is designed to test physical and mental toughness.  Each WOD/event is briefed prior to execution, participants will not know the number, duration, or length of unique WOD/events.  Rest and nutrition periods will be limited and programmed by the staff.  No phones or watches permitted during the duration of the event. 

The architect of this event is CFS member Mac Surber.  Mac is a Captain in the Army and a Special Forces Team Leader.

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life.

“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.  “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”  The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”  The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

The cultivation of mental toughness is the deliberate process of constantly challenging yourself to push through mental barriers brought on by discomfort, fatigue, rationalization, and fear.  In our current society, there is little external influence forcing us to endure great hardship.  We are not in a fight for survival against nature, plagued by famine, or contending with a total collapse of social structure and anarchy.  For the most part, we are content and comfortable.  Comfort dulls the senses and weakens one’s ability to contend with hardship.  Mental toughness must constantly be honed so that when necessary we have the tools to deal with hardship.  To do this, you have to periodically feed the wolf.

In a safe environment amongst friends, push through your mental limits and experience the joy and satisfaction of increasing your threshold and tolerance of discomfort.  Remove the mental barriers blocking you from unlocking your full potential.  

Planning Considerations for Participants

Is this right for me? The event is designed to challenge members of all athletic abilities; the intent is to test mental toughness through the application of physical events.  Mastery of Olympic lifting and gymnastic movements are not requirements.  Scales will be provided and coaches will adjust challenges as necessary to maintain physical and mental stressors.  Participants are expected to be physically fit and without injury or ailment which could jeopardize your safety and detract from the team’s ability to reach their goal.  Plan on full commitment for a 12 hour period.  Come rested and hydrated. 

Due to the nature of this event participation is limited to 20 registrants.

What do I bring?  Participants agree to a distraction-free event; No phones or watches permitted at any time during event, no visitors, no cheerleaders, no non-participants permitted.  Families may utilize an emergency contact number to reach you via the coaching staff. Sleep and rest periods will be limited and provided at the coach’s discretion, bring a pillow or blanket to utilize if desired, the ground will be your mattress.  Showering and clothing changes are permitted during designated times; bring toiletries and extra clothes in order to remain dry.  Participants are responsible for their own nutritional needs.  Bring food, snacks, and hydration.  Eating permitted only during designated times.  Optional items; headlamp, gloves, camelback, high socks, baby powder, athletic tape, outdoor climate-specific attire.  Events are not designed to destroy clothing/footwear and there are no water obstacles. 

What are we doing?  Events will be held both indoors/outdoors and at offsite locations.  Transportation will be provided. The coaching staff will brief each event prior to execution.  A timeline and list of events will not be provided.  Events may be of unknown distance/duration.  Part of the challenge is dealing with uncertainty.  Come prepared for running, lifting, carrying, biking, rowing, climbing, jumping, diving, dodging, dipping, ducking, and dodging.   

Is there an inclement weather plan?  Adjustments will be made based on safety factors, not comfort. Bring a raincoat.

How is this scored, is there a winner?  Some events have a reward, some have a penalty.  Some events are individually based, some are team-based, some are a combination.  Simple answer- Don’t quit, you win.

Event cost is $60

Click here to register for OPERATION FEED THE WOLF!