Coach’s choice
WOD prep
Build to your front squat wod weight. Must be taken from the floor
Kit Walker
5 round for time
5 Front Squats (225,155) From the floor
Rope Climbs s (15 ft)Rope climb drops by 1 each round
400m run after each set of rope climbs.
*Scale loads as needed.
*Rope climb options:
1. 12′ rope
2. Rope pulls
Post Wod
Couch stretch 2 minutes per side
21:41 @ 115# front squats
Love the rope climbs and happy with the weight choice for the squats. All unbroken and all first reps as squat cleans.
Kit Walker: 24:10 | 75#FS | 4×2, 1×1 Rope
Also happy with the weight and rope rep scheme. All front squats unbroken with a squat clean as the first rep. Tried to hold 2 rope climbs across, but with a bit of a shaky second climb in round 4, I went for one good quality climb in round 5. Fun little triplet. Halfway through the pull up challenge…
90# front squats
Rope climbs: 4,3,2,2,2
15 cal bike instead of run (still dealing with a calf strain)
I was happy with my rope climb scale. The last one in each set was extremely challenging!
Awesome job with the front squats and rope climbs!!
Thanks Deb. Great job to you too and for picking the right scales 😊!
21:22 @ 165#
Given the number of rope climbs, I’m looking to do this as a partner WOD at 7:30 tonight. Anyone want to split it in half with me tonight? LOL
Nice try Ken.
No takers Deb. And my quota for rope climbs is about 12. And usually the run is a chance to regroup and catch my breath, but not tonight. And there was absolutely no mercy from Jana tonight.