Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
Warm the deadlift up to heaviest WOD weight.

Dead Head

Buy-In: 50 Wallballs (20,14)
12 Deadlifts Opt. 1 (185,135) Opt. 2 (135,95) Opt. 3 (95,65)
12 Box jump overs Opt. 1 & 2 (24,20) Opt. 3 (20,16)

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 35 Wallballs (20,14)
9 Deadlifts Opt. 1 (225,150) Opt. 2 (155,105) Opt. 3 (115,75)
9 Box jump overs Opt. 1 & 2 (24,20) Opt. 3 (20,16)

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 20 Wallballs (20,14)
6 Deadlifts 1 (275,150) Opt. 2 (185,105) Opt. 3 (135,95)
6 jump overs Opt. 1 & 2 (24,20) Opt. 3 (20,16)

*Athletes should be able to complete the wall balls in under 3 minutes (3 sets or less) This will give the athlete 2 + minutes on the couplet.  Scale the reps of wall balls if needed.

Post WOD:
Couch stretch & Banded hamstring stretch

CFS Brief:
*In House Throwdown teams of 2 guy/guy, girl/girl coming in November, stay tuned!

*Day 42 WLC. Finish up strong!  Post challenge repeat WOD this Saturday! Post-WLC Body composition will start this Friday.  Email us at info@cfsyn.com to schedule a day and time.

*Labor Day Adjusted Schedule
On Monday, September 2nd CFS will offer two classes –
8:00 am Adult CrossFit
9:30 am Adult CrossFit

There will be no kids classes on Labor Day.