Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
EMOTM – 9 Minutes
Minute 1: 5 plate squat therapy reps + 5 PVC pass-throughs
Minute 2: 10 PVC snatch-grip push jerk (from back rack)
Minute 3: 5 PVC sots press, 1-second pause in lockout (PVC)

The focus on today is movement quality to improve our positioning for our squat. Coaches will be going over the sots press in class. 

7 Reasons Why to Lift Heavy:

  1. Confidence– Training with heavy weights is shown to improve your self-confidence. Weight training can also reduce anxiety, ease depression, and increase happiness.
  2. Get stronger–Heavyweights increase the power and strength of your muscles without significantly adding bulk or size, especially for women. This means that everyday physical tasks get easier, and consistent training will increase the amount of weight you can lift. You’ll look stronger, too. Strength training with heavy weights enhances your muscle mass and definition.
  3. Cut the fat–Everyone knows that exercise helps you to burn more calories, but according to Mayo Clinic, a regular strength training program can also help you burn more calories when you’re not in the gym. You get an “afterburn,” where your body continues to use more calories in the hours following a workout. In addition to that, strength training builds muscle. More lean muscle mass increases the calories you burn daily without exercise
  4. Build your brain–Heavyweights develop more than just muscle. Lifting heavy increases the production of many hormones, including the hormone IGF-1, which helps to stimulate connections in the brain and enhance cognitive function. In a recent study, leg strength was positively linked with stronger minds that are less susceptible to the negative effects of aging.Simply stated: Strength training can improve your ability to learn and think as you age.
  5. Prevent injury–Resistance training using bodyweight and with free weights, strengthens more than just your muscles. It also strengthens your bones and connective tissues. This added strength and stability will help you ward off injuries and keep a strong body. It can also help reduce symptoms of many conditions like back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain.
  6. Improve endurance–It seems counterintuitive, but strength training has been shown to improve endurance, speed, and running economy (the amount of energy and effort it takes to do something like run a         five-minute mile). A recent study showed that lifting heavier weights improves economy more than lighter weights. That extra weight on the bar will pay off during your next WOD.So don’t lighten on the weights. The heavier the better.
  7. Fight aging–Inactive adults can lose 3 to 8 percent of muscle mass per decade. You might lament the loss of your rock-hard arms or killer abs, but even worse, muscle weakness is linked with an increased likelihood of death in men. Heavy resistance training can help fight, and reverse, the loss of muscle mass. It can also strengthen bones and help prevent osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women.

“Big Squat”
For Load. Choose your squat.  If you were here last Friday you can go with your choice of last week or go with something different.  Go for a PR!
Overhead squat, back squat or front squat
Set one 5 reps.  Rest 2 to 3 minutes
Set two 5 reps.  Rest 2 to 3 minutes
Set three 3 reps.  Rest about 3 minutes
Set four 3 reps. Rest about 3 minutes
Set five 3 reps. Rest about 3 minutes
Set six 1 rep. Rest about 4 minutes
Set seven 1 rep. Rest about 4 minutes
Set eight 1 rep. Rest about 4 minutes
Set nine 1 rep. Rest about 4 minutes

*HEAVY SQUATS! Our goal for today is to establish a 1-rep heavy squat.  After the earlier sets of 5, we should be resting about 2-3 minutes. After the sets of 3, our rest should be about 3 minutes, and then after each set of 1, around 4 minutes. We are looking to make each rep an event and go as heavy as possible for us, today. If we have limitations in our overhead position, you can choose the front squat or back squat.

Post WOD:
Agile 8

CFS Brief:
The 2020 CrossFit Open is quickly approaching. It is the first step in a worldwide competition toward reaching the CrossFit Games and being crowned the “Fittest on Earth”. Each week beginning October 10th, CrossFit HQ will release a workout online to be completed by the following Monday, for five consecutive weeks. Signing up for the Open is optional, but a fun way to test yourself. We’ll do the Open workouts every Friday in classes and as an option on Mondays.  
 Registration for the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is live! Sign up now to be a part of the five-week, five-workout online competition that unites CrossFit athletes all over the globe in the first stage of the season. 

*In House Throwdown, Sunday, November 10th teams of 2 guy/guy, girl/girl.  

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