Get to the box at least 15 minute early to warm-up. This is a self directed warm-up and work out. The WOD will go off at 8:30 pm sharp. 
2 minutes row
2 hip circle squares with 2 squats at every corner.
10 Banded pull a parts
10 Banded good mornings
10 Push-ups
10 KB dead lifts
10 KB Goblet squats
5 Russian swings
5 American Swings
10 second dead hang on pull-up bar
5 active and passive pulls
5 strict knees to 90
5 kip swings
5 kipping knees to 90
5 toes to bar

WOD Prep:
Prep the movements with WOD weight.
Baby New Year for time
800 m row
15 Kettle bell swings (70,53)
15 Toes-to-Bar
600 m row
12 Kettle bell swings (70,53)
12 Toes-to-Bar
400 m row
9 Kettle bell swings (70,53)
9 Toes-to-Bar
*Scale load of Kettle bell as needed. You should be looking to go unbroken.
Option for Toes to bar:
1. Toes to rig
2. Knees to 90
3. Ab-mats x 2

Post WOD:
Drinks, Eats and games!