Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Kettle bell farmers carry (Time under tension)

There’s still one exercise that most people don’t do, yet it works almost every muscle group in the body and provides a ton of benefits – the loaded carry. Add it to your workouts and watch your progress skyrocket.

What Are Loaded Carries?

Pick up a weight of some sort and walk with it. There are many variations, but at their core, loaded carries are just walking with weights.

Don’t let the simplicity fool you. As Coach Dan John says, the loaded carry does more to expand athletic qualities than anything else out there. Because of their versatility, loaded carries can be used by anyone, whether your goal is to get stronger, build muscle, or even lose fat.

And in terms of functionality, it doesn’t get much more functional than this. Carries work almost every muscle in your body: shoulders and upper back, arms, core, and even your legs. By doing them you can improve your strength, stability, and conditioning all at once.

Execution Tips:

  1. Maintain a tall spine by keeping the head in a neutral position with the eyes forward, while pulling the shoulders back and down.
  2. Make sure your grip is centered on the handle.
  3. Squeeze the glutes, brace the abs, and keep your chest up.
  4. Take short but quick steps. Longer strides will cause the weight to swing back and forth.

Captain Insano
2 Rounds for time
15/10 calorie row
12 Burpees
100m Farmers carry (53,35)
2 rounds
200m run
12 Burpees
100m Farmers carry (53,35)
2 rounds
21/15 Calorie bike
12 Burpees
100m KB Farmers carry (53,35)

*Scale Kettle bell load as needed.  Kettle bell load is meant to be heavy!!

CFS Brief:
*Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 15th 7pm to 12pm. Skybokx 109 in Natick.