Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Prep the movements

600m row
50 Goblet squats(53,35)
40 ab-mat sit-ups
30 KB swings(53,35)
10 Rope climbs(15ft)
30 KB swings(Same)
40 ab-mat sit-ups
50 Waliking lunges
600m row

Option 2:
600m row
50 Goblet squats(53,35)
40 ab-mat sit-ups
30 KB swings(53,35)
20 Box HSPU
10 Rope climbs
20 Box HSPU
30 KB swings(Same)
40 ab-mat sit-ups
50 Waliking lunges
600m row

Option 3:
400m row
50 Goblet squats(35,26)
40 ab-mat sit-ups
30 KB swings(35,26)
20 Dumbbell press(25,15)
10 Rope pulls
20 Dumbbell press
30 KB swings(Same)
40 ab-mat sit-ups
50 Waliking lunges
400m row

*Scale loads as needed.

Post WOD
Foam roll for 5 minutes.

Endurance & Stamina WOD
12 x 250m / 45 sec easy
Pre-set a work distance of 250 meters and a rest time of 45 seconds. Row 12 intervals at a challenging intensity, with light rowing between pieces.

CFS Box Brief:
The 2018 CrossFit Open is quickly approaching. It is the first step in a worldwide competition toward reaching the CrossFit Games and being crowned the “Fittest on Earth”. Each week beginning February 22nd, CrossFit HQ will release a workout online to be completed by the following Monday, for five consecutive weeks. Signing up for the Open is optional, but a fun way to test yourself. We’ll do the Open workouts every Friday in classes and as an option on Mondays.

Registration for the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is live! Sign up now to be a part of the five-week, five-workout online competition that unites CrossFit athletes all over the globe in the first stage of the season. 
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to sign up in EnglishPortuguese and Español.  Be sure to sign up for the CrossFit Synergistics team!