Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
Prep your WOD movements

Goat / Wheelhouse Day or “Hallow 31″
Odd Minutes Goat: movement
Even Minutes: Wheel House movement

“Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Ring Dips, Overhead Squats. These are the best days to turn perceived “weaknesses” into “strengths.” No better way to do that than today.
We don’t improve our technique with a high heart rate–that’s what we refer to as “training”. Today is geared towards “practice,” dialing in our mechanics with a controlled heart rate. As an example, to improve the technique of double-unders, we want to practice at a low-intensity where we can really focus on the mechanics of the hands and the timing of the jump.
When we couple “training” with “practice” throughout the week in the right doses, we set ourselves on the fast track to results.

“Wheel House” The definition in the CrossFit world is a movement that you love to see in WODS. It is something that you are very good at.”

Choose a Goat and a Wheel House to work on, and we’ll alternate between them each minute. Coaches will have great suggestions in class.

“Hallow 31” For time or total reps (35-minute cap)
800m pumpkin run (20,14)
Complete in any order. You must complete all 31 reps before moving on to the next movement.
31 Burpee rope slams
31 Pumpkin sit-ups (20,14)
31 Calorie row
31 10m shuttle sprints (up is 1, back is 2)
31 Pumpkin wall balls (20,14)
31 Calorie bike
31 Pull-ups
31 Barbell STOH (45,35)
31 Calorie ski ERG
31m handstand walk or bear crawl
31 Pumpkin slams (AHAP)
*Ask a coach for load and movement scales if needed.

Post WOD:
Foam roll for 5 minutes

CFS Brief:
Save the date, CFS Holiday Party Saturday, December 14th @ Skybokx 109 in Natick.

CFS 21 Day Complaint Free Challenge.
See detailed post. Challenge starts whenever you get your bracelet.

Link to Challenge details