Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Power Clean, Split Jerk and clean pulls

On The Minute
Minute 0-3
3 Power Cleans and 1 split jerk
Minute 3-6
2 Power Cleans and 1 split jerk
Minute 6-9
1 Power Clean and 1 split jerk
Minute 9-12
3 Clean Pulls
Minute 12-15
2 Clean Pulls
Minute 15-18
1 clean pull
Rest Min 18-20 then as a group perform 1 power clean and 1 split jerk.  1 athlete goes at a time. Load should be as heavy as possible.  Use you load from your lift in minute 8 to 9 to gauge your heavy lift.

*Add load each minute if capable.
*Clean pulls should be heavy.

Post WOD
10 Barbell Rollouts for quality