“Day 27 Nutrition Challenge!

Coach’s choice

WOD prep
Push Jerk
Build to a Heavy Set of 3 out of the rack

Take your Medicine
Option 1 (CF Opens Competitive):
For Time:
1,000 Meter Row
Directly into…
3 Rounds
21 Russian Kettlebell swings(70,53)
15 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Push Jerks (135,95)

Option 2 (Sports performance):
For Time:
1,000 Meter Row
Directly into…
3 Rounds
21 Russian Kettlebell swings(53,35)
15 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Push Jerks (115,75)

Option 3 (Functional fitness):
For Time:
1,000 Meter Row
Directly into…
3 Rounds
21 Russian Kettlebell swings(35,26)
15 Lateral Barbell Burpees
9 Push Jerks (75,50)

*Scale loads as needed.

Post WOD:
Banded overhead distraction.

CFS Brief:
*Sunday 2/3/19  Q & A with Coach John 11:00 am to noon.  If you plan on coming to the Q & A please email me so I can get an accurate head count.  john@cfsyn.com
*Day 27 Nutrition Challenge!
*CrossFit Opens start in 25 days!