Coach’s choice

WOD prep:
Practice jump rope, Ski erg. Warm up the kettlebell swing to WOD weight.

“Flight Simulator” 15-minute cap
Unbroken Double Unders

*If you don’t have double unders yet perform speed steps. If you don’t have speed steps perform single unders.

*Rest Minute 15 to 20.  If you finish before the 15-minute cap you will have more rest.

@ Minute 20

Tabata 20:20 (20 seconds of work/ 20 seconds of rest)
Option 1 & 2 (53,35) Option 3 (35,26)
16 Alternating rounds.
*If there are more than 10 athletes. 1 person starts on the swings, the other on the ski erg. Athletes will switch back and forth for the 16 rounds.
*Your score will be your total reps on the swings and total calories on the ski erg.

Post WOD:
Lax ball scaps. 2 minutes per side.

CFS 21 Day Complaint Free Challenge.
The challenge will be starting on November 1st.
Details and sign-up information coming soon!
Watch the video below for some insight into what the challenge is about!