Kids & Teens WOD Wednesday 9/6/17

Warm-Up Coach’s Choice WOD prep Hang Power Clean WOD Kids 8-10 Row 200 M Then 3-6-9-12-15 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans Burpees Then Row 200 M Middle school & High school Teams of 2. 1 athlete works while the other rests. Divide the reps however you like....
WOD Wednesday 9/6/17

WOD Wednesday 9/6/17

Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Practice the movements of the wod. WOD Circle of Iron 4 Sets of tabata.  A tabata set is 8 rounds :20 of work :10 rest. 2 rounds of rest between movements. Your score for the tabata is your lowest reps in any given round....

Thursday, September 7th is Bring a Friend Day

Thursday, September 7th is Bring a Friend Day at CFS. Bring a friend day is an opportunity for a CFS member to bring a friend that has never tried CrossFit before or is a CrossFitter who is looking for a new box. Please register with the link below if you will be...
WOD Tuesday 9/5/17

WOD Tuesday 9/5/17

Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the hang power clean to heaviest wod weight. WOD The Big Boss AMRAP 4 21Hang power cleans(135,95) 21 burpees over the bar Max Cal bike with remaining time Rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4 15 Hang power cleans(155,105) 15 burpees over...
WOD Monday 9/4/17 Happy Labor Day

WOD Monday 9/4/17 Happy Labor Day

Labor Day Schedule: 7:30am BootCamp 8:30 CrossFit adults 9:30am CrossFit adults Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements Movement of the day, Sumo deadlift highpull. WOD “ZEUS” for time or AMRAP 40 U.S. Army Specialist David E. Hickman, 23, of...