CFS 21 Day Complaint Free World Challenge!

Could you go 21 days without complaining? Join more than 11 million people worldwide who have taken Will Bowen’s Complaint Free® challenge! Complaining is an epidemic that is destroying our happiness, relationships, health, and success.  The problem is that most...
WOD Thursday 10/31/19 Happy Halloween

WOD Thursday 10/31/19 Happy Halloween

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prep your WOD movements WOD: Goat / Wheelhouse Day or “Hallow 31” EMOM 20 Odd Minutes Goat: movement Even Minutes: Wheel House movement “Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples:...
Holiday Wreaths and Kissing Balls!

Holiday Wreaths and Kissing Balls!

It might be Halloween, but it is never to early to start thinking about the Holidays!  And it is never too late to help support the Ashland Cub Scouts!     The Ashland Cub Scouts annual fundraiser is here.  They are selling holiday wreaths and...

WOD Wednesday 10/30/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Prior to the 12 minutes, you will have 10 minutes of warm-up time. CFS IN House Comp WOD 1 12 min to establish a 1 RM Power Clean or Squat Clean for each athlete. The combined lifts will be your score. 1 bar per team. WOD: CFS...
October Athlete of the Month Tyler Haberkorn

October Athlete of the Month Tyler Haberkorn

Congratulations to Tyler Haberkorn, October Athlete of The Month! Let’s get to know Tyler a little better with some questions below! When and how did you get started with us?  CrossFit was recommended to me by a close friend. I looked up boxes in the area and...
WOD Tuesday 10/29/19

WOD Tuesday 10/29/19

Warm-Up: Coach’s choice WOD prep: Practice jump rope, Ski erg. Warm up the kettlebell swing to WOD weight. WOD: “Flight Simulator” 15-minute cap 5-10-15-20-25-30-25-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 Unbroken Double Unders *If you don’t have double unders...