Last call to sign up for In-House Throwdown!

Our In-House Throwdown is Saturday, November 18th.  Athletes will register individually and the CFS coaches will pair athletes up and make teams of two. Rx athletes will be paired together and Scaled athletes will be paired together. All teams will compete in 4...
WOD Wednesday 11/1/17

WOD Wednesday 11/1/17

8:30am CrossFit/BootCamp crew Get your New Habit for November up the the board! Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep OT3M x 5 Build up to a heavy 3 dead lift perform 5 -10 strict unbroken pull-ups or ring rows between sets. If you perform less than 5 pull-ups finish...
WOD Tuesday 10/31/17

WOD Tuesday 10/31/17

Costumes Optional! Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Prep the movements WOD Black Cat Teams of 2. 1 person works while the other rests. Divide the Cals and Reps however you like. 80/60 Cal Bike 40 Strict press (115,75) 40 Back Squats (115,75) 80/60 Cal Bike 40...

Kids & Teens WOD Monday 10/30/17

Warm-Up Mixed Tabata of: Squats Push Ups Lateral Hops Hollow rocks WOD prep Double unders Jump Rope Fundamentals WOD “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Reps for time of: Double Unders Sit Ups Kids 8-10 25-20-15-10-5 Single unders x 2 Post WOD Skill: Max set of strict pull-ups...

WOD Monday 10/30/17

Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep Squat or power snatch x 15 minutes. Work your way up to a heavy single. WOD WOD: 20 minute amrap or 20 rounds (whichever comes first). 1 power snatch @75% of wod weight 3 handstand pushups (sub 1 wall walk). 5 burpee box...
WOD Sunday 10/29/17

WOD Sunday 10/29/17

Alex Warm-up Coach’s choice WOD prep EMOM 3 x 5 sets. Build to a heavy 3 power clean with 2 burpees over the bar. Add 2 burpees every set. WOD Nimbostratus AMRAP 12 6 hang power cleans (135,95) 12 Toes to bar 24 Double Unders Option 2: 6 hang power cleans...